This list features about 3800 entries, gathering information on more than 2000 different hard disk drives. Theres no new material, rather, I gathered the information from some sources I had at my disposal (see below). The list is
available in CSV, a format which allows to import it
easily in most spreadsheets or databases. SOURCES AND CREDITS Main
sources for my list were "Wanted HD", a public
domain software written by Massimiliano Graziani in 1994,
listing more than 1800 Hard Drives, and "The
Reference" (or simply "TheRef", Version
4.3 - 1993), listing about 1900 Drives. I made use of
these two lists for some years, but I had soon to realize
that they didn't agree in every case. I decided, thus, to
join them, including all entries from both lists in a
single file. Other
sources are indicated as: Some editing has been done, mostly aimed at making sources a little more consistent (for instance, one source has IBMs disks as WDA-380, WDA-3160, etc., while the other has WDA 380 and WDA 3160, thus I removed the -). In this manner it will be easy to sort records by drive model.Please note that, depending on the source, drive size is indicated either as HH or Half, or as FH or Full, that IDE interface is indicated AT-BUS or IDE(AT) / IDE(XT), etc. I didnt try to harmonize these issues. I added a field called Actual in which I calculated the disk capacity by multiplying Heads, Cyls and Sectors, as ofter what is reported under Format is wrong or grossly approximated in one or both sources. I hope this list will be of some help to somebody. Of course, I absolutely do not warrant that the information is correct. |
Also available, a Table of all(?) IBM Hard
disks for
Personal Computers manufactured until 1993. |