
I tested all systems at my disposal with some of the most widely known DOS benchmarking programs.
Landmark (Speed) Version 2.0

Snooper Version 3.44

Norton Sysinfo Version 7.0

CheckIt! Version 2.01

CacheCheck Version 4

Up to now, more than 90 machines have been tested, spanning from 1984 (the "original" IBM PC model 5150) to 2001 (yes, even a couple of 1000 MHz monsters!).

As for Windows, I used the following programs to test a small number of machines:

WinTune Version 2.0 (13 systems, 1990-95)

WinTune 95 (6 systems, 1994-97)

Systems were tested w. different Windows versions (for instance either ver. 3.1 or 3.11 for WinTune 2.0), but in all cases I tried to keep the environment as "clean" as possible (i.e. no processes in the background).

I also selected a couple of machines to compare a small number of hard-disks:

IDE / EIDE drives (38 disks, 1989-2000)

SCSI drives (11 disks, 1991-95)

Disks have been tested under MS-DOS 6.22 using a single machine/controller combination.


In spite of the care I used in testing each system, my benchmarks must be considered unprofessional and unscientific. All benchmarks should be viewed with some suspicion (if you don't know what benchmarks are and what we are talking about read my notes page).

This information is provided "as is" with no warranties of any kind as to the correctness of these procedures.
Any trademarks not specifically mentioned are owned by their respective companies.

Notes on Benchmarks

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First published on the web on Nov. 11, 2001
Previously available on another Server
Moved to Tripod on Sept. 23, 2002