72-pin Memory SIMMs for PS/2 Systems
2 Mb 85 ns modules

IBM part 65X6249
(all dated beginning-mid '91)

20 chips (10 per side)

2 Mb 85 ns modules

IBM part 68X6127

a IBM 47-89
b OKI (end-'90)
c Panasonic (und.)
d Toshiba (mid-'90)
e Samsung 9203

a features 9 chips 4 x 256 K bit per side

b-e all feature
8 chips 4 x 256 K bit plus
4 chips 1 x 256 K bit each side

2 Mb 80 ns module

IBM part 65X5806
dated 28-89

18 chips (9 per side, each 4 x 256 K bit)

2 Mb 70 ns module by Samsung

IBM part 87F5041
sticker dated 9207

8 chips 4 x 256 K bit plus
4 chips 1 x 256 K bit per side

2 Mb 70 ns module by Toshiba

IBM part 71F7008
sticker dated 9226

8 chips 4 x 256 K bit plus
4 chips 1 x 256 K bit per side

2 Mb 70 ns module

IBM part 0701600
dated 92-27

9 chips 4 x 256 K bit per side

4 Mb 80 ns module by Toshiba

IBM part 68X6343

12 chips,
4 x 4 M bit plus 2 x 1 M bit per side

4 Mb 80 ns module

IBM part 68X6343
dated 9101

12 chips,
8 x 4 M bit on one side plus
4 x 1 M bit on the other side

4 Mb 80 ns module

IBM part 68X6343

12 chips (6 per side)

4 Mb 80 ns module by Toshiba

IBM part 68X6343
sticker dated 9039

12 chips
4 x 4 M bit plus 2 x 1 M bit per side

4 Mb 70 ns module

IBM part 31F2314

9 chips

4 Mb 70 ns module

IBM part 71F7010

9 chips

8 Mb 70 ns module

IBM part 71F7011
dated 473

9 chips per side

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This page was first published on the web on Nov. 11, 2001
Previously available on another Server
Moved to Tripod on Sept. 23, 2002